Are all of the vacancies advertised available?

All vacancies published on our careers page are current. Our company is currently growing at a fast pace, so some vacancies need filling on a regular basis. Some vacancies may therefore be advertised for an extended period of time, even though we have already hired employees for the position.

How can I become an addexpert?

Everyone is welcome to apply to become an addexpert. Whether you're looking to change careers, starting out on the career ladder or an experienced professional - we’re happy to receive and process applications from candidates with all levels of experience. Just send us your application documents, ideally in digital form.

What should my application documents look like?

Your documents should include the following:

  • Digital form
  • Ideally a cover letter, CV, references and certificates if available
  • Mention your earliest possible starting date and salary expectations

Can I apply for multiple positions at once?

You are welcome to apply to several positions with your application. We are always looking to fill all vacancies and if we feel you may be suitable for another vacancy, we’ll contact you directly.

What does the application procedure look like?

Once you have sent your application you will receive a confirmation of receipt. Your documents will be checked for completeness by the HR department and then forwarded directly to the head of the department for evaluation. If your application sparks our interest, we will arrange a date for a personal interview with you. You will receive feedback from us within 10 days of the interview.

How do I prepare for my job interview?

We aim to make our job interviews as relaxed as possible. Getting to know our candidates is very important to us, so we want you to present your true self. There’s no need to stress. With us, you can relax and engage in a mutual exchange.